Our registration process for NGOs has been further simplified! It takes only 3 documents (ITPAN, registration certificate as Society/ Trust/ Section 25 Company and a valid address proof) and a simple form which you can fill in less than 30 minutes to apply for registering an NGO on www.guidestarindia.org. Registration is FREE!
Over 1000 NGOs have registered with GuideStar India and we have connected them with resources and opportunities such as free IT training workshops and software donations from NASSCOM Foundation, online fundraising through GiveIndia, membership & accreditation from the Credibility Alliance, the Spirit of Humanity Awards from AmeriCares India, India NGO Awards from the Resource Alliance.
NGOs have started quoting their GSN (GuideStar Number) on application forms to qualify for fast track registrations and for other assessors to refer to their documents online!
Many NGOs have updated their pages on GuideStar India to showcase their work comprehensively and to demonstrate their transparency and accountability. For example visit the pages of Alternative for Rural Movement and ROSARY Trust.
Click here to register now with GuideStar India!